Bio and Contact

Founder Bio and Contact

Delia Kelemen is widely respected for her capacity to build teams, and create efficient workflow and communication systems. She possesses a keen understanding of clients’ sensitivities and needs, offering solutions and resources for companies to enhance their goals.

Delia started her career as a post-production manager at Box Ltd., quickly rising to the role of Vice President. Over the course of her tenure at the company she was in charge of all HR and operational management, and was responsible for recruiting as the company grew from a team of 10 to 50 employees.

In 2005, she joined renowned agency Art + Commerce, where she launched PRODn, the company’s highly successful internal production division, recruiting the team and developing relationships with globally prominent photographers, artists and clients. In 2007 after the sale of the company to IMG, Delia was promoted to Vice President of Operations. In that role, she was selected to manage HR and drive the company’s international growth, establishing operations in London and Paris, and launching a dedicated film division, which was considered a forward-thinking move at the time.

In 2012 Delia joined VS+Company as Partner and Chief Operating Officer, where she led the company’s business development, financial, operational and human resource activities.
